Cases & testimonials

Klantverhaal van Foyer Global Health
“We are proud of our thriving collaboration with Teladoc Health, which has allowed us to optimize our telehealth offering”
We have been partnering with Teladoc Health to provide our insured with the best high-quality care and the most convenient, easiest ways to get access to health solutions from their home. Continued innovation and digitalization are prominent parts of our Foyer Global Health’s strategy; offering virtual care to our members was a no-brainer when knowing how patient care needs have evolved the last years.
We are proud of our thriving collaboration with Teladoc Health, which has allowed us to optimize our telehealth offering. Our aligned visions and smooth communication between our collaborators have been key elements to our joint success. Together, we focus on nothing else than helping more and more expats to access appropriate care, wherever they are.
François Jacquemin
Managing Director of Foyer Global Health